The Invisible Force Behind Success: Understanding and Harnessing the Power of Culture

Jordan Wood
5 min readJan 22, 2023

Culture is like the wind – invisible yet powerful. It can either impede or propel us forward in life, much like a headwind or tailwind. Imagine pushing against a strong headwind, every step is a struggle and progress is slow. Now, imagine the wind at your back, pushing you forward with ease, making everything feel effortless. In this newsletter, we’ll explore the impact of culture on our lives and how understanding it can help us navigate the headwinds and make the most of the tailwinds. So, let’s harness the power of culture and make it work for us.

Company culture is often talked about in business circles, but it’s not just another buzzword. It’s the heart of a company. It’s the essence of who we are as a team and what we stand for. It’s the energy that brings us together and the glue that holds us together. And it’s more important than ever in today’s world.

In a time where remote work has become the norm and the job market is more competitive than ever, company culture is what sets us apart. It’s what makes us unique and attracts top talent. It’s what makes us a team, even when we’re not in the same room. And it’s what makes us a company that people want to be a part of.

So, what is good company culture? It’s not just a list of perks or a fancy office. It’s a feeling, a vibe. It’s a sense of belonging, a sense of community. It’s a shared set of values, and a commitment to open communication and transparency. It’s a culture where everyone feels heard, valued, and respected. It’s a culture where we can be ourselves, where we can bring our whole selves to work.

A company culture like this leads to a more engaged, motivated workforce. It leads to better decision making, and it leads to increased trust among team members. It leads to a more inclusive and diverse workplace, which is not just a nice-to-have, but a must-have in today’s world. Culture is the beating heart of humanity. It’s the unspoken bond that connects us, the invisible thread that weaves us together and makes us who we are. It’s the foundation upon which all successful teams are built, the very essence of what it means to be human. When we embrace and nurture our culture, we tap into our deepest desires for togetherness and safety. It’s what drives us to come together, to support one another, to strive for something greater than ourselves. With a strong culture, anything is possible. It’s the DNA of any successful team.

Culture is not the most visible aspect of the organisation, but it is the one that runs the show,” Peter Drucker

But it’s not just something that happens by accident. It’s not something that can be bought or outsourced. It’s something that we have to work hard to cultivate, and something that leaders have to actively shape.

Leaders set the tone and example for the rest of the team. They are the ones who have to make sure that the culture is aligned with the company’s goals and values. They are the ones who have to make sure that everyone feels heard, valued, and respected. They are the ones who have to make sure that we’re all on the same page and moving in the same direction.

But it’s not just leaders who have a responsibility to shape company culture. Every team member has a role to play in shaping the culture of their workplace. We all have to be aware of the values and behaviours that are promoted within the company and hold ourselves and our peers accountable for upholding them. We all have to be willing to speak up when something is not aligned with our values. We all have to be willing to put in the work to make our culture what it needs to be.

Cultivating a strong and vibrant corporate culture is not just a one-time feat, it’s a never-ending journey. It demands unwavering dedication and a willingness to constantly adapt and evolve. As the company moves forward and expands, it’s essential that we are committed to regularly evaluating and refining our culture to ensure it aligns with our objectives and principles, while fostering a positive and productive atmosphere for every member of our team.

Culture is like a living, breathing organism. Just as a gardener tends to a garden, nurturing and pruning the plants to create a beautiful and productive space, a leader plays a similar role in shaping the culture of an organisation. A leader’s role is to provide the vision, direction and guidance for the culture, to create a positive and productive environment where employees can thrive. Just as a gardener must be attentive to the needs of the plants in their care, a leader must be attuned to the needs of their team, ensuring that everyone is supported and has the resources they need to succeed. Together, a leader and a gardener share the same goal of fostering growth, beauty and productivity. Just as a well-tended garden changes to it’s environment, leaders have to direct the culture in a changing work environment. It’s important to remember that culture is not a static thing, it’s alive, its dynamic and constantly changing.

“Culture is a living thing, and it’s always evolving. And if you don’t keep watering it and feeding it, it will die,” Tony Hsieh

When we go to work, we often leave a piece of ourselves behind, as if we’re only bringing 2/3's of who we truly are. That remaining third, the part that makes us feel truly alive and fulfilled, can only be found when we feel like we belong. It’s not something that can be taken, but something that is given to the organisation we work for. A sense of belonging creates a deeper connection and emotional investment in our work, leading to greater engagement, motivation, and ultimately, success.

As a leader, my advice to younger leaders would be to make company culture a priority. Understand that it’s not just a buzzword, it’s the heart of your company and it’s important to actively work to cultivate a strong culture. Encourage open communication and transparency, foster a sense of community, and create an inclusive and diverse workplace. And remember, it’s not just a one-time task, it’s an ongoing process that requires continuous effort and adaptation.



Jordan Wood

British man, new father, novice stockholder, king of self-help, mindful student, master of habits, nice guy.